VaKE -model

Theoretical learning model for the realization of Values and Knowledge Education (VaKE) in seminars and workshops for Citizenship education

Short description

The prototypical course involves 16 step with several forms of grouping (individual, dyad, group), several forms of learning tools (mindmap, brainstorming, portfolio, presentation and several learning techniques (discussion, recherché, role-play, film, game, interview, broadcasting-show)

Origin and context

The VaKE -model has been developed at the University of Salzburg / Austria, Dept. of Education and has been applied in several schools, in vocational training, in teacher training, in intercultural seminars and Platon Youth Forum, an international summercamp for European citizenship education, annually organized by ECHA-Austria and the University of Salzburg.

Aims and objectives

The participants should develop their sensitivity for the values-loadedness of decision, and they should develop abilities to create their own knowledge based on critical thinking, empathy and the will to explore complexity.

Theoretical base

Theoretical the VaKE-approach is based on theories of values education sensu Lawrence Kohlberg, on constructivistic theories of knowledge acquisition sensu Jean Piaget, on theories of social constructivism sensu Lev Vygotzky.


The participants are confronted with a dilemma-story, concentrating on the question what a specific protagonist should do in the described problematic situation. The participants have to vote in favor or against proposed possibilities to solve the problem. They have to explain and to defend their choice bringing forward good an strong arguments for their position. In a second turn they have to find arguments for the opposite standpoint. Finally they have to find an agreement on how they will present their standpoints and solutions to an auditorium.



Further Reading

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